Sunday, March 11, 2012

Animation: Take 1 (of many to come)

In an attempt to understand the motion and linear progression of my scene in The Social Network, I tried to create the scene in a rudementary way. I did this without camera clipping or anything like that. I shot the scene using 3ds Max and autokeying the frames. I had to move and adjust the camera and objects alike to account for what I was trying to create. Through this process, I began to understand time and space as they function together. I couldn't, in my first tries, get the scene to extend long enough. As I understood time as a continuously moving entity, I was able to understand keying in more frames to create a slower motion. This is my first stab, I plan to attack this thing again.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cinematic Clip

In this scene, from The Social Network, a very linear sport is studied and experienced through spectacular cinematography. In the scene, the Director (David Fincher) highlights a race between two teams competing in Crew. What's unique about this scene is his on axis/off axis cinematography. The linear progression of the race is experienced from the line itself, shifted adjacent to the line, and then back off from a distance. 

I believe this clip will be very interesting to break down and diagram. The camera revolves, aligns, and runs with the action in the linear progression which could be particularly powerful as it pertains to our studies.