Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 1c - Leaf Morphology

Leaf Morphology - Experimental Generative Geometries to Mimic Natural Formations

In exploring my segment of my vehicle model, I saw that the form that was being created as I began to distort the original form resembled that of a leaf. I sought to look at the morphology of a lead through the seasons and the way they begin to cup and distort themselves. In order to create a pattern of some sort, I began to look at the way leaves could ideally orient themselves as they gather in fall.

I only distorted the original figure three different times in order to gain a kit of parts by which I could create my martix tile to create a dynamic pattern. My goal was to create a pattern that would make the original shape indiscernible. In the images below, I highlighted the original portion of the car and the geometric distortions that created my kit of parts. I simply rotated the original shape to start the series of distortions. 

From there, I began to arrange the parts in a way that would resemble leaf collection in a more idealized sense. I tried to range the orientations from the repetitive to the more, amorphous arrangements. Some of the shapes intersected each other to become new ways to view the forms. Instead of individualized pieces, they began to resemble a sort of cladding. It was interesting to see the various ways of which to organize the shapes, especially since I only dictated that I'd use four different variations on the original shape. 

Tile Scheme 1 - Plan

Tile Scheme 1 - Perspective

Tile Scheme 2 - Plan

Tile Scheme 2 - Perspective

Tile Scheme 3 - Plan

Tile Scheme 3 - Perspective

Tile Scheme 4 - Plan

Tile Scheme 4 - Perspective


  1. these studies are brilliant!
    in these four schemes did you change the form of your piece more then its origin location?

  2. I love how these morphologies are starting to inspire natural forms and connect back to the shapes and patterns we have seen and stored in our subconscious in a way that let's us see our manipulated geometry with the potential to take on any form! Long story short, I like the leaves.

  3. Minimalism... Brilliant!

    I like how you looked outside of the realm of the project to generate an idea for the morphological study.

    That being said, I would challenge the pattern you chose to put the forms in. If you are in fact going for 'fallen leaves' then perhaps your pattern should abandon the structural symmetry that it currently possesses in favor of a more organic or random configuration.
